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Interactable Object Builder

This allows you to easily create full, networked physics objects quickly and easily.

Opening the object builder

Opening the builder is done by going to Menu bar > DAVIGO Map Editor > Interactable Builder.

Using the object builder

To use, place the art you want for the object and its collider under a single object. Open the object builder, drag your object into the Object field in the inspector, and edit all of the fields accordingly.

Some fields that might need explanation:

  • Will Be Spawned: tick this if the object will be spawned while the game is running, by a cannon for example.
  • Force Multiplier: If a warrior is hit by this object, the force the warrior would be dealt is multiplied by this.
  • Damage Multiplier: If a warrior is hit by this object, the damage the warrior would be dealt is multiplied by this.

You can also create the colliders through this if you wish.

Once you have tuned the object to your liking, hit "Build" and your object will be set-up and appear in the map's hierarchy.